Maintain a healthy lifestyle at fifty

Turning 50 is a huge milestone for everyone, be it you, your family members, or your health. Turning 50 is a definitive cause of celebration, and while partying at your 50th birthday party, let us try and make our health a celebration. It would help if you tried to include some lifestyle changes when you turn 50. And one may think these lifestyle changes need to be huge, but some changes are as simple as just drinking a glass of water!

You might think that changing now would do nothing, that it is too late for anything to be gained. But on the contrary, the half-century is the perfect time to grab and change our lifestyle for the better. Let us discuss some lifestyle changes that you could follow when you turn 50. 

Lifestyle at 50

The first thing you should do is clean up your eating habits. A decent, full breakfast is supposed to have the potential to carry you through the entire day. Fill your plate as much as possible with fruits and raw vegetables, depending on your weight and demands. 

Try to limit heavy, processed junk foods after 7 pm, and have a light dinner at least two to three hours before bedtime. This will help you maintain good gut health and evade digestion problems. 

  1. Healthy Eating: The first thing you should do is clean up your eating habits. A decent, full breakfast is supposed to have the potential to carry you through the entire day. Fill your plate as much as possible with fruits and raw vegetables, depending on your weight and demands. Try to limit heavy, processed junk foods after 7 pm, and have a light dinner at least two to three hours before bedtime. This will help you maintain good gut health and evade digestion problems. 

Saturated fats are bad for your heart, be it at any age. But one thing that you need to come to terms with is that your younger body’s metabolism isn’t the same metabolism as that of your body at 50. So, unfortunately, whatever you eat now will affect your body somehow. Try to prevent as many harmful toxins from entering your body as possible. Saturated fats affect your heart, but they also can affect your concentration power and memory. So what you need to do now is to cut down on the red meats, butter and such foods and instead replace them with healthier fats – because you still need fats- like flax seeds, fatty fish, fats from plants, et cetera. These healthier fats will prevent heart diseases and help improve and boost your concentration, power and memory.  

  1. Fill your house: Since you have turned 50 now or recently, it is not far to say that your children have left to build their own homes, and you may be alone in your house or with your spouse. If you feel your house getting empty by the day, maybe it’s time for you to start thinking of adopting a pet. There is scientific evidence that people who adopted cats and dogs at home have a lower risk of heart disease and cholesterol levels, and there are fewer doctor visits, even though no one can pinpoint a specific cause. If anything, having a dog means daily walks, which can provide light exercise every day and will inadvertently keep you healthy and fit. 
  2. Keep learning and expanding: Another way to care for yourself and your mental and physical health is to keep yourself busy. You have the time to invest in yourself, so try to pick up new hobbies, playing guitar or piano or trying your hand at painting. There are so many options available, waiting for you to come and choose them from. Keep expanding your horizon, and push yourself to learn new things. Instead of sticking with what you know and what your comfort zone is, challenge yourself, and you will be amazed by how miraculous and wonderful the human body and mind are.

Having new experiences is another method of creating new pathways for your brain and keeping your brain as healthy as possible. This also helps you find new sources of excitement and happiness, two things most sought after by every generation of humans. 

These are suggestions for how to look for yourself when you approach fifty. But what can our family (young and old) do to help individuals who have reached or passed the age of fifty? So, here are some tips on caring for them:

  1. Physical care at home: If your loved one has regular visits to the hospital related to medical conditions, always try and accompany them to the doctor. If you don’t live with them, try to hire professional help who can try to make their lives easier. 
  2. Enable and promote social inclusion: Create more opportunities for your loved ones to play an active role in the family and outside. Everyone desires to be wanted, loved, and included, and who better to place these demands on than one’s own family? Isolation is one of the biggest causes of emotional distress for older people. 
  3. Creating a safe environment: Making a safe environment is one of the most important things that one can do to care for their older parents and their loved ones. Make sure that you create a safe and supportive environment for your elderly, encourage their independence and autonomy, and try to protect them from harm – be it physical or mental. 

Final Thought

A great person once said that you remain young as long as your mind remains young. Your age does not become you. You do not conform to your age. Age is just a number, and you decide what and when you do whatever you want to do. 

So now, whether you are the one Turning fifty or your loved ones, one thing has to be in common: to celebrate. Celebrate that your body is so wonderful and so giving, and take just as much care of it as it does for you. And if you are a friend of those who just turned fifty, you must remind them the same. 

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